Comfort Maple Fables

The following are shared stories from the community in connection to the Comfort Maple Tree.


A proposal

Brock Hansell & Ashley Bruzzese

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When I think of the tree I think of all of the amazing things that have happened in its lifetime and for the tree to continue to keep going it needs the love and support of the community. When I think about my future in getting married I thought this would be a perfect place to propose. Ashley and I will grow old and see many things in our lives together but we wont be able to do these things without love and support from our family, friends and community. Once I realized that this was the perfect venue to start the new chapter of our life. I took Ashley down to the Comfort Maple while she was walking around and taking in the beauty of the Tree I was able to place the ring on the other side of the tree to surprise her.

We will be getting married February 23, 2019 and to always keep the memory of the Comfort Maple Tree with us Ashley has had my wedding ring made from the tree. We will always have part of the special day with us and will always cherish the Comfort Maple Tree.

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Inspirational testimonial from Victoria Bennison

Victoria and Dave Bennison.

Stories like trees grow over time. I had no idea when I brought Dave home to visit Niagara, 30 years ago, that he would one day be my husband. We both loved nature and so...of course, along with the usual points of interest...Niagara Falls, Lundy’s Lane, Niagara-on-the-Lake, I took him to visit my favourite tree,The Comfort Maple.

It was then that this tree became part of our story. Family legend has it that Dave was even more impressed with The Comfort Maple than Niagara Falls. “You can’t even get your arms around it!” he was often heard to say.

Did sharing a favourite tree lead to our marriage? I can’t say for sure. But I can say that it led to our having wedding photos taken beneath it’s branches. And because stories are born of necessity, and we were also Robin Hood fans, it became our Sherwood Forest’s Major Oak...adding even more romance to the relationship the three of us were creating.

Soon, Dave and I were joined by children, and we would often take them to visit our friend. Our favourite visits being on Spring Equinox, with a picnic when the weather permitted.

Writing this, I am inspired to go see The Comfort Maple again. To see it standing as always, despite wind storms and lightning strikes, and to whisper...thanks for the wisdom.