

The Niagara Peninsula Conservation Foundation (NPCF) is excited to announce two new bursaries designed to support local Indigenous students in their educational pursuits. 

Environmentalism and Indigenous culture share a profound connection, rooted in a deep respect for the land and a commitment to sustainable stewardship. Indigenous communities have long practiced conservation and sustainable living, aligning closely with NPCF's mission to support local environmental conservation projects. 

These bursaries will be modeled after NPCF’s existing Conservation Bursary program, ensuring a robust and effective framework. While the specific bursary amounts are still being determined, fundraising efforts are actively underway to secure the necessary funds to award the first round of bursaries in 2025.  

We are calling on local Indigenous groups, partners, and community members to join us in the development and implementation of these bursaries. There are several key areas where participation is invaluable: 

  • Assist in the development of the Terms of Reference and award criteria: Help us define the scope and guidelines of the bursary program to ensure it meets the needs of Indigenous students. 

  • Provide input on the application process: Your insights will help create an accessible and fair application process. 

  • Support outreach and promotion efforts: Assist in spreading the word to ensure that bursary information reaches the Indigenous community effectively. 

  • Participate in the selection committee: Review applications and recommend recipients, ensuring a fair and representative selection process. 

We look forward to collaborating with the community to shape a program that is both meaningful and impactful. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of Indigenous students and in the ongoing effort to conserve our natural environment. 

Sharon Pfeifer, Development and Investor Relations Officer 
905.788.3135 ext. 434